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Don Lemon Cooning on Tom Joyner

Posted on Apr 4, 2014 in All Coons, Coon Hall Of Fame | 2 comments

Don Lemon Cooning

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Don Lemon Cooning on Tom Joyner

On November 5th, 2013 speaking during his regular slot on the Tom Joyner show, Don Lemon Cooning as he said that police were not always very respectful of the people they stopped, but that tampering with the “formula that has reduced crime in New York City” could be very dangerous. “The question is, would you rather be politically correct or safe and alive?” he concluded.

Over the summer Lemon made an equally controversial comment. In the wake of the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the CNN news anchor found it necessary to blame the dress style of young black males as well as other personal choices as a reason for the injustices they suffer in the United States.

Don Lemon cooning is the norm.

more on Tom Joyner


  1. One of the true Standard bearers of cooking, shucking and jiving.

    • that’s COONING not cooking. Damn PC spellcheck!